Der Riese

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Der Riese


Map type

Death Match

Map Status

Fully working no errors


Map Info external

Der Riese - Final on Filefront

Extra Files

Map Creator



.Map Included for edit

Extra Credits

Basebuildermod by Blackjack
Basebuilder by alienx



Map Description / install info

This is Der Riese from CoD: WaW, which has been remade for mohaa. It has been made to work with the zombie mod, which has been accomplished, though not perfectly yet !

Der Riese (German for The Giant, pronounced: Dehr Ree-seh), also known as Zombie Factory, and known in full as Waffenfabrik Der Riese (German for Weapons Factory of the Giant), is the fourth and final map in the Nazi Zombies game mode, featured in Call of Duty: World at War. It is set in a secret Nazi facility in Germany, and was the debut of the teleporters and the Pack-a-Punch machine, a machine that for 5000 points allows players to upgrade their weapon.

The story of Der Riese is roughly as follows:
In 1901, a meteor named Tunguska crashed in Russia. This is the Shi No Numa meteor, and the German's source of 115. The American's source of 115 comes from the meteor that exploded over Pennsylvania in 1938. The German's took samples of 115 and used it on the bodies of dead soldiers and dogs. A lot of the scientists were doctors who worked at the Wittinau Sanitorium (Verruckt). Die Glocke gave off a lot of radiation when powered. These doctors, unaware that they've been affected by radiation, work at Wittinau, unknowingly passing the radiation on to the people in the Asylum. Everyone in the Asylum at that time became a zombie. US Marines were sent to investigate, but they were overrun, and killed. After realising that The Marines failed, the Germans used 115 to create The Wunderwaffe DG-2. During the creation of the DG-2, a zombie outbreak began in Der Riese. Richtofen took the DG-2 with him to Shi No Numa, to finish it. He also took the Tunguska meteor. The radiation from the meteor caused yet another zombie outbreak. Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai where sent to Shi No Numa to investigate. They met with Dr. Richtofen, and they teamed up against the Imperial Zombies. Upon hearing the transmission that was sent to Peter, they realised that they needed to leave Shi No Numa immedietly, and head to Der Riese. Now, Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen, fight for their lives in Der Riese, and attempt to find out exactly what's going on.

''To install place pk3 file in the mohaa main folder.
To uninstall delete the pk3 from the mohaa main folder.
Whoever wants use change modify this map can do so.''

P.S. The original map name is Der Riese, though the creator made a mistake in mohaa by switching the 'i' and 'e' (Der Reise).

Map video

Xfire video of Der Riese

Re: Der Riese

Firstly, if you want to test this map with zombies, there is a link above that will give you the script to add zombies, though it's in a very rough state as it's not working completely yet (spawns are messed up), so it's best not to play with zombies yet.

The map itself is very nicely build, the point was to make it look like the CoD:WaW version and the creator did an excellent job in doing so. The MoH:AA map is a bit more compact, as in the same things are placed in a smaller area. Though this is only noticable if you actually play the map on CoD:WaW a lot.

The textures are excellent and it shows that the creator put a lot of work into it. Even if you don't wish to play zombies, but just normal gametypes, it's still a very good map. Mostly close combat fights, and not many spawn points, so not made for many people.

There are a lot of obstacles to hide/defend behind and you can run through the map easily. Weapons have been placed on the wall, just like in CoD, though you simply don't need any credits for them, you can just take them. This changes the gameplay as well a bit, as you have more options available if you have another weapon available close to you (e.g. switch your mg for a sniper if needed).

There are bugs as you could get under the ground and could get behind / on top of places you shouldn't be able to. But it's nothing too damaging to the gameplay.

All in all I really like this map and I would recommend people to at least try it out !

Re: Der Riese

Cool Map will have to check this one out - many thanks

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again






Re: Der Riese

How the heck am i supposed to play this the zombie mod?

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