Trap Room Test

Add Another Map

Map name -


Game -


Map file(downloads)

Map RCON command -

Map feature modes


Map screen shot



Map type

MAP File Only

Map Status

Unfinished needs work


Map Info external

Extra Files

Map Creator

Jimmy Tango (Axion)


.Map Included for edit


Extra Credits



Map Description / install info

The .bsp file is not included. Only the .map file (and some other files) is included. So if you want to play this map you have to compile it first from the .map file. The author autorizes any edits/updates to the file as long as credit is given to the author.

This map (if you can even call it that), features a lockable room with a fake floor that swings open to reveal a nasty pit of spikes. I was just messing aorund when I made it, but it's fun to lock people in the room and then make the floor drop from underneath them. I got the idea for the trap floor from tltrude's door map, and I also borrowed the scripting for the floor from that as well. It's not a very good example of construction; some of the walls are thin, but that can easily be fixed if someone wants to resize them. I suppose that if anyone ever wanted to look at an example of how to make a ridiculous booby trap, this would suffice.

Map video