thankyou your suppprt

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thankyou your suppprt

Feedback from MoH Reunion October Event 2015

Displaying messages 1 - 1 of 1
Participants: MAW-nanlinda2002 and MAW-Mushroom_CL

MAW-Mushroom_CL's picture
11/03/2015 - 16:36


Hi All
​First of all big thanks too Heatsinkbod for you're hes Chin up words - Thx Dude
​Well like some maybe now i was really HUGE disappointed about this time Event of MoH Reunion, first Event was amazing, busy and lot of fun.
I was so close too give it up but after some really nice words from Heatsinkbod..
So now i know i WILL NOT GIVE UP and there is a lot of work for Next years Event around March 2016
​and hope the STAFF of MoH Reunion will be supported otherwise i have to do it myself or get me a hard working staff
​there want this Event / community up running to keep MoH Alive...
My expectations for the next event will be smaller number of server several clans / players
​and a lot of fun and games with a lot of laughter. For that will get Informations out on every Clan site we can find, here on AAAA Community 
X-Null and ect ect.
So if anyone WANT to keep MoH Alive and wanna do some serious thing about it...
Then move on and post to MoH Reunion >>STAFF<< at
or get in touch with =[M.A.W]= Mushroom [CL] at or TS
***** Mashy is a Fighter NOT a quitter and don't care what there have been done - It's all about what CAN be done *****
POST on X-Null

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