St. Renan

Add Another Map

Map name -


Game -


Map file(downloads)

Map RCON command -


Map feature modes

Bot Addon


Map screen shot



Map type


Map Status

Fully working no errors


Map Info external

Botaddon for map

Extra Files

Map Creator



.Map Included for edit

Extra Credits



Map Description / install info

A small objective map where the bridge has to be exploded by the axis, while the allies have to defend it.
A map which is regularly used in leagues & ladders.

Review by: Surgeon

St Renan

Its a small objective map set in a village. The village is split in two by a railwayline running through a valley. The valley is spanned by a bridge, and it is this bridge that the allies have to defend. The Axis of course, have to destroy it. This is done by planting a bomb on a support, which is reachable via a walkway underneath.

Presentation / Technical

The texturing was well done but I did feel that some of the textures were scaled wrong ( grass banks / some of the houses ), and there were a couple of areas of Z-fighting, most notibly one of the pictures on a wall in a house. These are minor flaws though and don't really detract from the map. The map's lighting was average, with some areas being well lit and seemingly thought out but other areas looked overlit or blocky. Again small things that don't detract from the overall feel.

There's nothing that reall blew me away design wise. The under the bridge walkway is a nice touch but can get a little frustrating. most of the houses seem a little bland, but that may just be a personal thing of mine. Audio wise everything is great. Theres a sound for everything you do and or try. Doors rattle if they are locked or squeak open if they aren't. The ambient battle sounds and crikets just add to the overall map.Performance wise things were great. I never noticed my FPS falling under 60.

Playability / Game Flaws

So,whats this map like to play. Its fun. Pure and simply. I must admit that when i saw a few screenshots I had my doubts, but I had a really good time playing it. This was only marred slightly by the open feel to the map and snipers can dominate the map if your not too careful. I felt the allies had a slight advantage in the game I played but I can't be sure whether it was the players or the mappers fault.


I liked this map, which speaks volumes for it as I'm quite fussy when it comes to MoHAA. It was a lot of fun to play and its definitely is one of the best out there right now. Though not a large map it still has enough room and routes to keep any game enjoyable. Definately worth a download.

Place pk3 into mohaa/main to install, remove to uninstall.

Map video