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Squadmaker 1.0
by jv_map

A Server-Side Weapons Limiter
For Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault

Copyright (c) 2006 Jeroen Vrijkorte
All rights reserved.

This modification is FREE and not for any commercial use.

I cannot accept responsibility for damage to equipment
or lack of funds arising out of the use of this modification.
Use at own risk.

Not certified for use in nuclear facilities.
Not airworthy.
Not seaworthy.
Don't eat.

1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Configuration
4. Customisation
5. Squadmaker Configuration Profiles
6. Supportgun Configuration Profiles
7. Technical Information
8. Thanks
9. Contact

1. Introduction

Squadmaker is an advanced weapons limiter with some extra features. Players are grouped into squads. You cannot freely choose a weapon, but instead indicate a preference with the weapon selection menu. Whether you get your preferred weapon depends on how many are currently in use in your squad. If your preferred weapon is unavailable, you're forced to use another weapon that is available. Your preferred weapon may again become available when a squad member dies or when a new squad is initiated.

Squadmaker also comes with a support gun mod. Each squad can have a single support gunner, who carries the MG42 or M1919 (.30cal) machinegun. These weapons are extremely deadly, but the gunner needs to holster the gun to quickly move to a different location. This leaves him/her defenseless so protection by teammates is a necessity.

Finally Squadmaker is designed to be extremely customisable, and every aspect of it can easily be modified. See Sections 3-6 for more information.

Short Summary of Features
- Automatic weapon assignments leading to balanced matches.
- Carryable MG42 and M1919 support weapons.
- A hud system with useful information about the mod.
- Authentic grouping in squads from various divisions.
- Automatic skin assignment based on your division.
- Fully server-side, players don't have to download anything.
- Extreme moddability.

2. Installation

To install Squadmaker on a server, please follow the below instructions:

1) Place squadmaker.pk3 in your server's 'main' folder.

2) Place user-squadmaker_maps.pk3 in your server's 'main' folder. (*)

3) Open your server.cfg (or main/configs/unnamedsoldier.cfg) and add the line:

sets sqdmk ""

This allows server browsers like ase and hlsw to check if your server runs Squadmaker.

4) On many servers the number of grenades your start with is modified (normally you get 6). If this is the case on your server, add another line to your server.cfg:

seta sqdmk_grenade_startammo 3

Where '3' would be the number of grenades you *normally* get on your server. If this value is not set correctly, you may get too many or too few grenades, possibly even a negative number of grenades. Hence it is very important this setting is right.

5) To allow making quick modifications to Squadmaker's configuration, you may wish to upload the squadmaker_config and supportgun_config folders to your server's main folder (i.e. main/squadmaker_config and main/supportgun_config).

(*) If your server runs a combination of mods, user-squadmaker_maps.pk3 is likely to conflict with other mods on your server. The best solution to this problem differs from server to server, but I recommend the following procedure:

Do NOT upload user-squadmaker_maps.pk3, at all.

For each map you want Squadmaker to run on, edit the map script. The map script can normally be found in pak5.pk3 (dm maps) and pak6.pk3 (obj maps), but other mods you have on the server may override these scripts. Either way use the map script from the pk3 with highest search order (alphabetically), or from the main/maps/ folder if present (always highest search order).

Edit the .scr file (example mohdm6.scr) with a text editor, and add the following lines:
(do this very carefully)

ABOVE 'level waittill prespawn', add the line:
waitthread global/support/support.scr::soundcache

BELOW 'level waittill spawn' (for obj maps, BELOW 'level waittill roundstart'), add:
level.squadmaker_areaname = "in Stalingrad" // (optional map location name)
exec global/squadmaker/squadmaker.scr

Save the modified .scr file and upload to your server. Squadmaker should now run on this map.

3. Configuration

To make sure Squadmaker meets your needs, virtually every aspect of the mod can itself be modded. The easiest way to do this is via console variables (cvars), which can be set in a .cfg file (server.cfg) or on-the-fly via the server console or rcon. The following settings are available:

(best disable word-wrapping to view this list)

sqdmk : Set to 0 to disable squadmaker globally (default 1)
sqdmk_msgecho : Whether to echo server console (error) messages to all clients (default 0)
sqdmk_force_skins : Force all members of squad to use the same skin (and use officer skin for squad leader) (default 1)
sqdmk_show_command_level : Shows command level to squad members (commanding, 2i/c, 3i/c etc) (default 0)
sqdmk_show_unit : Shows divisional unit of squad to squad members (default 1)
sqdmk_grenade_startammo : dmstartammo setting for grenades (set to 3 for ckr 1.1) (default 6)
sqdmk_subconfig : Set custom configs in below-level priority, seperate configs by commas (example: 'art_of_war,winterwar'). Later configs gain priority. May be overridden by level config. (default "") (*)
sqdmk_superconfig : Set custom configs in super-level priority, seperate configs by commas (example: 'art_of_war,winterwar'). Later configs gain priority. May override level config. (default "") (*)
sqdmk_enable_preference : Whether to let players use their preferred weapon (if available). If set to 0, a weapon will be assigned regardless of player preference. (default 1)
sqdmk_verbose : Enables extra debugging info when using a custom configuration (default 0)
sqdmk_showinfo : Whether to show additional game info on hud during play (default 1)
sqdmk_huddraw_element : Which huddraw element to use for Squadmaker, only change if conflicts with other mods occur (default 83, must be in range 1-255)
sqdmk_huddraw_nudge_x : Shift hud horizontally by this many pixels (default 0)
sqdmk_huddraw_nudge_y : Shift hud vertically by this many pixels (positive is up) (default 0)
support_droppable_dm : Whether support guns can be dropped in respawning matches (default 0)
support_droppable_obj : Whether support guns can be dropped in roundbased matches (default 1)
support_showammobelt : Whether to show an ammobelt on machinegunners (default 1)
support_config : Support gun configuration, can be 'default', 'realism', 'equal' or a custom config (default default) (**)

All of these console variables can be set and changed in the following way:

'seta sqdmk_showinfo 1' (in .cfg file or server console), or:
'rcon seta sqdmk_showinfo 1' (via remote console).

(*) See: 5. Squadmaker Configuration Profiles for more information.
(**) See: 6. Supportgun Configuration Profiles for more information.

4. Customisation

Another way to customise Squadmaker is by modifying its configuration files. This requires you to upload the squadmaker_config and/or supportgun_config folders to your server's 'main' folder.

In the main/squadmaker_config/default folder, you will find 9 files:

Configuration information file. Do not modify this file.

Allied division names and skins.

Axis division names and skins.

Hud messages.

Weapon loadout script, this requires some more scripting skills to edit. Edit this if you want to change which classes receive a pistol or other items; or if you wish to add more classes.

Allied squad names.

Axis squad names.

Allied squad buildup.

Axis squad buildup.

All .txt files contain additional information on how to edit them. When changes are made, simply save the modified files on the server and any changes will take effect on the next map transition. Rebooting the server is not necessary.

In the main/supportgun_config/default folder, you will find 2 files, gun_allied.scr and gun_axis.scr. Both files may be modified to change weapon properties of the MG42 and .30cal machineguns. Changes take effect without the need to reboot the server.

5. Squadmaker Configuration Profiles

Even more customisation is possible using 'Configuration Profiles'. These profiles let you define different Squadmaker configurations on a per-map basis, switch between different configurations on-the-fly via rcon, or combine several configurations. For example, you could have 1 profile defining the squad buildup, another defining the divisions and skins, and a 3rd with the hudmessages. You could choose a different combination for each map in rotation.

How to make a new profile
Create a new folder in squadmaker_config/ , for example squadmaker_config/example/. Then copy those files you wish to modify with this profile over from squadmaker_config/default/. So suppose you only want to modify hudmessages.txt, then only copy hudmessages.txt. Make changes to the copied files as needed. Finally, edit the config_info.txt file in the custom directory. Change the configuration name into some nice, identifiable name.

How to remove a profile
You can at any time remove a profile by removing the squadmaker_config/example folder. It doesn't matter if the profile is currently in use, Squadmaker will automatically stop using it after the next map transition.

How to use a profile
There are 3 ways to tell Squadmaker to use one or more profiles:

- sqdmk_subconfig console variable
- sqdmk_superconfig console variable
- level.squadmaker_config level variable (set in map script)

Each of these variables can specify one or more config directories, seperated by commas (',').

For example you could rcon: 'set sqdmk_subconfig example' ; or 'set sqdmk_subconfig example1,example2'. Do not type a space after the comma.

What happens is Squadmaker combines all 3 in a configuration list of the form:

Where anything later in the configuration list (more to the right) takes priority over anything more to the left. This means that if a file is present in more than 1 configuration, the file from the configuration farthest to the right will be used. Clearly, any custom configuration will override the default configuration, and a superconfig will override everything else.

The level.squadmaker_config can be used to specify a different configuration for certain maps in rotation. You can set this variable in the map script, above the line 'exec global/squadmaker/squadmaker.scr' but below 'level waittill spawn'.

Script Example:


waitthread global/support/support.scr::soundcache

level waittill prespawn


level waittill spawn


(level waittill roundstart) (only for obj)

level.squadmaker_config = "example1,example2,example3"
level.squadmaker_areaname = "in this example"

exec global/squadmaker/squadmaker.scr

Squadmaker comes standard with the Art-of-War profile, which changes squads to a much more authentic and challenging setup. Most players are forced to use rifles and consequently squads heavily rely on clever use of the support weapons.

To enable Art-of-War:

(rcon) seta sqdmk_superconfig art_of_war

6. Supportgun Configuration Profiles

Similar to Squadmaker profiles, profiles are available for the support weapons seperately. Contrary to Squadmaker profiles, only 1 Supportgun profile can be active at a time. All maps use the same Supportgun profile, too. A Supportgun profile merely specifies a set of weapon properties to use for the support guns. Squadmaker comes with 3 preset profiles, 'default', 'realism' and 'equal'.

default : Standard, great for stock play.
realism : 25% more damage, better for servers running realism like CKR.
equal : Allied and Axis guns are exactly equal, damage is similar to default.

In addition, you can add any number of profiles by simply adding more folders to the supportgun_config/ directory. Simply copy the files from an existing config and modify some values.

You can select which profile is used via the support_config console variable. It can be set in the server.cfg or via rcon. You can also change it at any time via rcon, changes take effect at the next map transition. Set the value of the console variable to the directory name of the desired config.

rcon seta support_config realism

7. Technical Information

Squadmaker uses custom state (.st) files. This may cause it to conflict with other mods using custom statefiles, the only solution being to combine the statefile sets (a major effort). Unfortunately this cannot be avoided.

Squadmaker's statefiles contain the usual fixes for most well known game bugs and exploits:
- landsharking
- team switch on ladder
- grenade bug

This means you don't have to worry about your server becoming vulnerable to these exploits with Squadmaker installed.

Squadmaker's statefiles do not contain fixes for bugs related to static turrets. If these pose a problem on your server, I recommended just removing them altogether using:

removeclass TurretGun

Below 'level waittill spawn' in the map script.

This version of Squadmaker is tested on Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault v1.11. It may or may not work on other versions of the game.

8. Thanks

Special thanks to two groups who've helped me greatly in the early testing of the mod:

{SFX} team, in particular Cobra and Elgan.

1stSSF clan, in particular Floyd and Joey.

Thanks also to everyone who playtested the mod and gave me feedback on it. Much appreciated!

9. Contact

If you have any further questions, run into technical difficulties or simply want to get in touch, please e-mail me at:

My site:

My fav moh sites:

OMG you made it to the end of the readme!
Time to enjoy Squadmaker now... Have fun!
