{SFX} BattleZone Creator

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{SFX} BattleZone Creator

Mod PK3


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Cobra {sfx}, Gold {sfx} & PacRac {sfx}





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Fully working no errors


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Iinstall / info

*** SFX BattleZone Creator ***
*** by Cobra {sfx} ***
*** Some useful and Fun Scripts to play with while you mod *** Smile

Well originally it was just for us modders to have some fun with while you mod and have some extra useful stuff, yeh it could go Multiplayer, could be issues there tho. Its much better with your URC Menu tho and a lot easier to use, good {sfx} team effort mate Wink
Hope peeps find it useful or amusing and fun Smile

Some quick instructions ... put in main, load Moh, load a Single Player or TDM/OBJ map and ingame press F1 to access the menu.
Would be interesting to see your comments on this Smile

I guess some are wondering why its called BattleZone Creator ... when you spawn any vehicles it will print onscreen the coords where it places them ... which will be added to your Qconsole log ... you could copy and paste the coords into your own map script then if your happy with where you placed a tank in your map and wanted a static model added based on your placement of the one in BattleZone Creator. (As an example).

You can type logfile 1 to record the information to your Qconsole log if it isnt already set to 1 and then spawn a tank and retrieve the info from the log, here is the info from the log for the Panzer Tank Europe - i spawned one in Mohdm4 ...

[Press USE and LET GO to Position the Laser.]
[Panzer Tank Europe]
[Targetname]: Panzer-Tank-E_#8264
[Type]: = models/vehicles/panzer_tank_europe.tik
[Turret]: = models/vehicles/panzer_cannon_europe.tik
[Destroyed Model]: = models/vehicles/panzer_iv_eud.tik
[Health]: = 1000.000
[MaxSpeed]: = 320
[Target]: = (No Collision Targetted)
[Origin]: = (42.220196, 1945.709351, 238.625000)

You would just need to add the angle you want it to face.

Readme File Info

OrbitCam = This gives you an Orbiting Cam with music for 15 seconds - auto switches off.
ChaseCam = This gives you a Chase Cam for 15 seconds - change perspective with your mouse - auto switches off.
StaticCam = This gives you a Static Cam for 15 seconds - auto switches off.

Tank 1 = KingTiger Tank.
Tank 2 = Tiger Tank.
Tank 3 = Panzer Tank Europe.
Tank 4 = Sherman Tank.
Tank 5 = Panzer Tank Desert.
Tank 6 = Carro-P40-Tank.
Tank 7 = Churchill Tank (issues with it firing correctly).
Tank 8 = Panzerwerfer.
Tank 9 = T-34 Tank.
Driveable HalfTrack Winter
Driveable Opel Truck
Driveable Jeep

Destroyed Vehicles are removed automatically on a timer to save on FPS Smile
You can Destroy them with the Admin Bomb if needed.

SFX Planes = This spawns the SFX Flyable Planes Trigger and you start flying.
Jetpack = Gives you 30 seconds of Low Gravity.
Fire fx = Spawns some Fire.
Smoke fx = Spawns some Smoke.// Shader/image issue
ShowBBoxes/Entnums = runs for 30 seconds.
Shootable Dummy = Spawns a Target Dummy you can shoot
Explosive Crate - Toms BoomCrates
Drop Bomb = spawns an admin bomb above you which drops - good fun dropping on Bots - can also use in spectate. Wink

Bots ON - Adds JVs Bots
Bots OFF - removes them

Bot Info:
Bots use script_origins targetnamed $alliesspawn and $axisspawn as their spawn points ...
if you already have $alliesspawn and $axisspawn script_origins in your map type morebots 1 in console to add more Bots ingame.
You can add more spawnpoints via script in your map script before prespawn.
If your playing in a Single Player map the Bots will automatically use the path_nodes ...
just add some $alliesspawn and $axisspawn script_origins.
In MP they wont move very far as they have no pathnodes unless you add some via script.


Update - The Console typing is superceded by the Pacrac {sfx} URC Menu - Just press F1 ingame Smile
The Menu works in ALL stock maps and ALL Single Player Maps (included), just put the PK3 in your MohAA/main folder.

Scripting by Cobra {sfx}
URC Menu by Pacrac {sfx}
Model Conversions by Cobra {sfx + Gold {sfx}

This is a WIP - more to add yet Smile


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