Season 3 match cancellations

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Season 3 match cancellations

Hi all its been brought to my attention that a few matches have had to be cancelled due to players / clans failing to get a crew together on the night of an arranged match............

I always listen )))))

It's frustrating you get a crew together and end up waiting around wasting and spoiling the night when you could have played someone else.

I am not innocent from this last season my own clan ended up cancelling a match and through my own frustration and a method of apology to the clan we were supposed to be playing I called the match void and gave the other clan their deserved points for our failing.

It is hard and sometimes its a genuine reason but the rules are already in place to allow two clans to reduce the number of players playing and agree but most matches are played 6 - 8 players so if a clan turns up with 8 players and the other clan only has 5 I would say to be fair that the clan with 8 would reduce by one player...............

If a clan turns up with say 4 players and the other clan has 8 then again the clan with 8 would drop one player but the clan with 4 must play or if they cancel be penalised........

So these are my thoughts to revise the rules - please supply any of your ow suggestions, we did have a rule in season 2 but we try'd to simplify the rules so this was omitted.

My thoughts -:

If a League match is arranged and one of the clans informs the other clan at least 1 day before the match they need to cancel then that's fine.

If a clan cancels a League match on the Day of the match they will loose a full 3 points so that means if they have no points they will get a -3 on their clan score.

Any Clan getting 3 lots of penalty points (-9 so cancelling 3 matches) will be voted by the other clan admins on if they should be removed from the league.

That may seem a bit harsh but I dont want to over complicate the rules so this is a sure shock that if your clan cant play dont mess another clan about.........

Your thoughts and views welcomed as always!!!

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again






Re: Season 3 match cancellations

Hmm yea i know what you mean, and yes LKW has problems with getting enough members as well. What i would say is:

If one team has like 8 players, drop down to 6 (Least number of players for the league, stands in rules)
If the opponent team has only 3, they'll have to play with 3, but players can join till 6 to make it even. But if they are playing, they count for 1 player and can't be replaced (otherwise it won't fit for other rules)

What do you think of that? Cos i'm now just thinking it's only a game and for me, it doesn't matter to play 3 vs 6, I just want to play a game lol

Re: Season 3 match cancellations

Yes and no - If both clans are happy yes not a problem - thats kind of covered in the rules already but it wouldn't be fair for a clan to have to say to 5 of its members they cant play because the other clan has turned up with only 3 which is where I was thinking the clan with more players should not be expected to drop more than 1 or 2 players, they can if they want to but I dont think we should enforce that via a rule...............

I think at present though whats happend is the clan with not enough players has just cancelled - which happens but I think their have been a few instances where clans have cancelled a few times and not turned up which is not fair............

So I am thinking the above penalty points is to stop clans cancelling on the night of the match if you see what I mean........

They would have to play with what they got on the night or loose 3 points anyway....................

It will spoil the match a bit but its their to ensure clans make the effort and dont book and arrange and dont respect the other clans members if you see what I mean

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again






Re: Season 3 match cancellations

My 2 pence

Id say if it was 8 v 4 - i think its harsh on the clan that have to sacrifice players and i would play as it was originally arranged.

If it was arranged by the WA to be 8v8 then the clan should have stuck to that arrangement. Why punish a clan that stuck to the agreed arrangement?

Maybe have WAS organising more in advance of matches coming up - giving time to allow members to be available, and if people have last min cancellations an cant make it - either extra members be available or carry on with what you have.

If i was in the 4 situation or even an had to play 8 by myself i wouldnt be bothered as it still allows all that have gave up there commitments to at least have some fun, as there is nothing worse than giving up time to play an then be told maybe next time - very frustrating.

What do you think?

Re: Season 3 match cancellations

AAAA League rules have been updated on item 22

I have try'd to keep it simple but at the same time ensure clans letting down other clans after arranging a match receive penalty points which dont effect the other clans.

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again




