Revolutionary Loading Screen

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Custom UI

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Client Side

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Loading Screens

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Revolutionary Loading Screen

Mod PK3


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Fully working no errors


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Iinstall / info

Replaces the Loading Screen in MOH:AA and MOH:AA SPRHD AND MOH:AA Breakthrough
with the Revolutionary loading screen

Place the file into the MAIN folder in MOH:AA, or MAINTA for MOH:AA SPRHD,
or your MAINTT folder for MOH:AA Breakthrough

To remove the Loading Screen, just remove the .pk3 file from the folder

If you want to see more Loading Screens and other Mods, email me at

, with subject Game Mods, or via AIM Heero Yuyk, also look
for new info on my Modern Warfare mod, Medal Of Honor: Coalition Assault, a Total
Conversion of the likes you've never seen...
