Purple Clan Tags

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Purple Clan Tags

Mod PK3


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Purple Elephant1au





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Fully working no errors


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Iinstall / info

Clan Tags mod based off the older one made By DUST.

Purple Clan Tags Mod
v1.00 12/01/2015


Place the mod in your server
Execute the following line either from dmprecache.scr or from the indiviudal map.scr
exec global/purple_clantags.scr local.word local.origin local.angles local.scale local.model

local.word = The word you want to Display , ie "Purple Rocks" DEFAULT is "Purple Rocks"
local.origin = Where you want it to start from [REQUIRED]
local.angles = The angles you want it to go [REQUIRED]
local.scale = The scale of the objects, Dont go too high DEFAULT is 2
local.model = The model you wish to use, stick to coronas or similar, DEFAULT is "fx/corona_red.tik"

Example: V2 in Allie Spawn
exec global/purple_clantags.scr "Purple" ( -800.35 1567.34 111.12 ) ( 0 -90 0 ) 2 "fx/corona_red.tik"

Displayed Word can included the following Characters ( will add more if needed ):

A - Z All Uppercase ( no lowercase atm )
$ ( Dollar Sign )
! ( Exclaimation Mark )
^ ( Whatever that is Shift + 6 )
* ( Asterisks )
[ ] ( Both Square Brackets
" " ( Spaces )

Ok guys, the more words the more models will need to be spawned, so bear that in mind on your server. It includes a model count once each iteration is done, so each execution

ALSO NOTE: Due to the way the Angles are done, using the rotate command, each letter will be spawned the then rotated, depending on your gametype and length of word, it might take alittle while for all the letters to be in their correct positions, but it does look cool as they rotate Tongue

Mod Based off original by Dust(dustmidlands@hotmail.com)
Re-done and expanded by Purple Elephant (purpleelephant1au@gmail.com)
