Next Map Info

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Next Map info

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Iinstall / info

The mod will print message about current map and next map in the top right corner, also toggable by a cvar a warning if the next map is a custom map. The mapnames are read from mapnames.txt file located in main/settings folder

(Credits: The mod is originally base on work by Giffe and Elgan)

On Intiative of Midnight here is the Map Info Mod as a seperate mod extracted from upcoming Mod Framework:

The mod will print message about current map and next map in the top right corner, also toggable by a cvar a warning if the next map is a custom map. The mapnames are read from mapnames.txt file located in main/settings folder

The mod is executed from dmprecache, if you allready run other mods you need to add to the dmprecache script.
exec custom/mapinfo/mapinfo.src
The mod will print to log file when it is called, and print to logfile if it is enabled (mapinfo 1)


Place the mapinfo.pk3 file in your servers main folder.
Place the mapnames.txt file in your servers main/settings folder. (If the settings folder does not exist yet you need to create it.)

These cvars control the behaviour of the mod, add them to your server.cfg:

seta mapinfo 1
seta mapinfo_mapname 1
seta mapinfo_custommapwarning 1
seta mapinfo_customwarning_string1 "Next map is a custom map"
seta mapinfo_customwarning_string2 "If you do not have it server will kick you."


mapinfo 1 / 0 turns the mod on / off
mapinfo_mapname 1 / 0 sets wether the orginal map name is print e.g. dm/mohdm1 or the alias name "Southern France"
mapinfo_custommapwarning 1 / 0 sets wether warning is print if the next map is a custom map

The mapnames.txt file does not contain all names of all available custom maps, also names of single player maps are missing, would be cool if someone adds them and republish the file. (to do so open the file and add the names to mapnames2, mapnames3 - mapnames1 is allready full)

Credits: The mod is originally base on work by Giffe and Elgan

seta mapinfo 1
seta mapinfo_mapname 1
seta mapinfo_custommapwarning 1
seta mapinfo_customwarning_string1 "Next map is a custom map"
seta mapinfo_customwarning_string2 "If you do not have it server will kick you."
