MOHAA Eaglear bots

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Bots / AI

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MOHAA Eaglear bots

Mod PK3


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Fully working no errors


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Iinstall / info

This mod adds bots to Multiplayer Bot script for MoH:AA / Spearhead / Breakthrough maps.


For MoH:AA:

Just put these files in MoHAA\main directory

jv_bot01.pk3 (bot script file by jv_map
jv_bot01_update1.pk3 (updated bot script by jv_map, used in TOW maps of SP & BT)
zzz_eaglear_aabot_dm.pk3 (it contains bot script for 6 maps: mohdm1,2,3,5,6,7)

zzzz_bastongne_bot.pk3 (optional for custom map bastogne)
zzzz_frag-n-rock_bot.pk3 (optional for custom map frag-n-rock)
zzzz_russia_stlo.pk3 (optional for custom maps russia & stlo)
zzzz_thelostvillage_bot.pk3 (optional for custom map the lost village)

For MoH:AA Spearhead:

Just put these files in MoHAA\mainta directory

zzz_eaglear_spbot_dm.pk3 (it contains bot script for all SP stock deathmatch maps)
zzz_eaglear_spbot_towsp.pk3 (it contains bot script for all SP stock tug of war maps)

For MoH:AA Breakthrough:

Just put these files in MoHAA\maintt directory

zzz_eaglear_spbot_dm.pk3 (it contains bot script for all BT stock deathmatch maps)
zzz_eaglear_spbot_towsp.pk3 (it contains bot script for all SP stock tug of war maps)
zzz_eaglear_sptow_onlybt.pk3 (it contains bot script for all SP stock tug of war maps for BT)
zzz_eaglear_btbot_tow.pk3 (it contains bot script for all BT stock tug of war maps, can be played in tdm & obj modes)
zzz_eaglear_btbot_obj.pk3 (it contains bot script for all BT stock objective maps, can be played in tdm & obj modes)
zzz_eaglear_btbot_lib.pk3 (it contains bot script for all BT stock Liberation maps, can only be played in tdm mode only)

See Readme in download package
