Mine Mod

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PurpleMine Mod

Mod PK3


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PurpleMine Mod

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Purple Elephant1au





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Fully working no errors


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Iinstall / info

////////////////// Purple Mines Mod ////////////////////////
Mine Mod V1
16th June 2013

Adds 3 types of mines to the game
1. Proximity Mine
2. StickyBomb
3. C4

All in the grenade weaponslot , can be used alongside normal grenades

exec global/mines/main.scr::main
In global/dmprecache.scr

If you are NOT using my eventhandler, you will need to place
local.result = registerev "spawn" global/mines/main.scr::main
to your global/dmprecache.scr

Mine Usage:
Select Mines ( use weaponclass grenade ) or scroll weapons until you get them
Press [Fire] to place a mine,
When a player steps on the mine , it will explode. Can have multiple mines out on the battlefield at one time

Stickybomb Usage:
Select Stickybomb ( use weaponclass grenade ) or scroll weapons until you get them
Time Delay --- Players can choose what time they want the stickybomb to go off at
Press [Secondary Fire] to toggle between times ( displayed bottom right ) Min = 5 seconds , Max = 30 seconds , Times goes up by 5 each time.
Press [Fire] to throw the Stickybomb
Once Timer has been reached , Stickybomb will explode
If the Stickybomb is Shot , it will explode immediately
Note: It will remember your last timedelay setting , until you die that is

C4 Usage:
Select C4 ( use weaponclass grenade ) or scroll weapons until you get them
Press [Fire] to throw the C4
Press [Secondary Fire] to Set off the C$
Once Trigger has been pushed , C4 will explode
If the C4 is Shot , it will explode immediately

set pe_mine_mod 1 // On of Off
set pe_mine_instructions // On or Off === Displays instructions on how to use each weapon as they select them

set pe_mines 1 // On of Off
set pe_mine_amount # // Number of Mines available , === Max Being 8 IF you DONT have any other mines === ( or you could adjust the huds yourself if you want more with other mines )

set pe_stickybomb 1 // On of Off
set pe_sticky_amount # // Number of Stickybombs available , === Max Being 8 IF you DONT have any other mines === ( or you could adjust the huds yourself if you want more with other mines )

set pe_c4 1 // On or Off
set pe_c4_amount # // Number of C4available , === Max Being 8 IF you DONT have any other mines === ( or you could adjust the huds yourself if you want more with other mines )

Example Config:
set pe_mine_mod "1"
set pe_mine_instructions "1"

set pe_mines 1
set pe_stickybomb_amount 4
set pe_c4 0


Uses ihuddraws indexs 100 - 131 , depending on settings above

Proximity Mine - Elgan & ArMaGedDoN
StickyBomb - Elgan
C4 - Elgan && PurpleElephant

Weapon.tiks - PurpleElephant

Mod by PurpleElephant


Note: The Weapon mod and Mine mod are set up to load into my eventhandler auto once you exec the script from dmprecache.scr, if the eventhandler isnt running , it registers the event for you but its highly recommended to use my Eventhandler

Also there is a dmprecache in there aswell , that loads all 3 mods, you can always take it out Tongue
*** PLEASE SEE EVENT HANDLER MOD *** http://www.mohaaaa.co.uk/AAAAMOHAA/content/purple-eventhandler-reborn-patch
