Jim's Punishments 2 Mod Menu

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Jim's Punishment Menu

Mod PK3


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Iinstall / info

put the menu in client main folder
put the jims punishment2pk3 in server main folder

Here is a menu to go with Jim's Unusual Punishment 3 that I made. Not everything is in the menu Somethings don't work with the reborn patch, so I didn't added them.

1. Jim's Unusual Punishment2.pk3
2. EZM Punishment Menu

1. Put zzzzzzzzzzz_Jims_Unusual_Punishments 2.pk3 in server's mohaa/main folder
2. Put zzzzz_EZM_Punishments_Menu in client's mohaa/main folder


1.Quit: !quit
quit:quitreason ( HAS TO TYPED IN RCON )

example - !4 quit:cheating
Forces a player to quit the game or forces a player to quit the game and prints a message saying he/she was forced to quit

//The following commands may be only used on active players (players that are not spectating)//

2.Kill: !kill
example - !4 kill
Forces the player to kill themselves

3.Kick: !kick
kick:kickreason ( HAS TO TYPED IN RCON )

example - !4 "kick:bad behavior"
Kicks a player or kicks a player and prints a message saying why he/she was kicked

3.Join Team Allies: !jointeamallies
Forces a player to join the team with the least players or join the team specified within the parameter

4.Join team Axis: !jointeamaXIS
Forces a player to join the team with the least players or join the team specified within the parameter

5.Spectate: !spectate
Forces a player to spectate

6.Take Weapons: !takeweapons
Takes all weapons from a player

7.Freeze: !freeze
freeze:message ( HAS TO TYPED IN RCON )
example - !4 "freeze:stop spawn killing"
Stops a player from moving and makes them invincible- designed to get a players attention. Can optionally send the frozen player a message.

8.Defrost: !unfreeze
Unfreezes a frozen player- makes them vunerable again and allows them to move

9.Grenade: !grenade
Forces a player to pull out a grenade (even if they dont have any left in thier inventory), pull out the pin and hold the grenade until it explodes. Fustration for the target player is gaurenteed!

10.Jump: !jump
Launches the player severall hundered feet into the air- gravity then takes over and consquently the player ends up very dead. The ammount a player can be launched into the air is determined by the skybox height in each map.

11.Flame on: !flameon
Sets a player on fire, damaging over time until they are either extinguished or resemble a smoldering corpse.

12.Flame off: !flameoff
Extinguishes a player if the flameon command has been applied to them (can also disable flames from the anticamp command momenterily)

13.Crush: !crush:10
crush:delayseconds ( HAS TO TYPED IN RCON to change time)
example - !4 crush:10
Spawns a large, heavy bell over a player: it will follow them arround until the delay timer has expired- this can be set manually via the delay paramater or left at the default of 5 seconds. Once the timer expires the bell will drop- if anything gets in the way of the bell's path (such as a telephone line) the bell will not land on the player and the player will be saved. However if the bell's path is clear it will crush the player instantly, killing him/ her.

14.Bomb: !bomb:15
bomb:timeseconds ( HAS TO TYPED IN RCON to change time)
example - !4 bomb:15
Attaches a bomb to a player- fuse can be set manually with the timer parameter or left at the default value of 5 seconds. On detonation bomb will kill player and no one else.

15.Annoy: !annoy
Forces a player to look at random angles every 3 seconds, effectivly preventing them from moving or aiming- essentially annoying the balls off of them.

16.No annoy: !noannoy
example - !4 noannoy
Returns players viewing angles to normall.

17.Morph: !4 morph:DOG
example - !4 morph:DOG ( HAS TO TYPED IN RCON to model)
Morphs a player into a new and exciting shape- this can be controlled by the model parameter (accepted models are- tree, toilet, haystack, clock, bath and piano - toilet is selected by default). On morphing a player will loose the ability to hold or shoot a gun, will alert all players of his new shape with a dm message to all players and will essentially be nothing more than a bit of target practice until dead or until the admin reverses the morphing.

18.No morph: !nomorph
example - !4 nomorph
Reverses the morph command on a player and returns them to thier normal shape


( NOTE: Anything with !all command I think it was.)

Jim's Unusual Punishment 2 is designed to help admin a server by performing basic functions such as printing messages to players, forcing skins and weapons to advanced features such as forcing anti camping zones on players, providing spawn protection for teams, artillery strikes and then punishment commands such as bombing a player, setting a player on fire or morphing them into different objects. It provides commands for invidiual players as well as teams and all players within a server.

Using the commands:
Using the commands is very simple- simply log onto rcon on your server and then depending on what commands you want to send, use the following format:

For invidual players:
![client number] command:commandparam
!4 kick
!12 bomb:15
!13 "message:Please do not typekill in this server"

For Teams:
![teamname] command:commandparam
!allies quit
!axis artillery:600
!spectator "message:please join a team or be kicked for inactivity"

For all players:
!all command:commandparam
!all swapteam
!all "message:This server is shutting in 10 seconds for maintaince- it will be back up in 5 minutes"

Hints and tips on using the commands:
The command paramaters are not normally required (see command list below for more details) but they give extra controll over certain commands
Client numbers can be found by performing the status command or checking the score board - it is the number next to a player's name.
It will be nessacerry to enclose any commands with spaces within thier paramaters ( " " ) to make sure they execute correctly (see the message command examples above).
Remember to preceed the commands with rcon!

Player commands:
Lists the command name, command execution name, command execution name with parameter (if applicable), example and description. The command header !4 has been used as an example. For applying the command to particular players and teams see above- all player command may be applied globally or to any team (certain ones may not work with the team spectator, see bellow for details) but not all are recomended for team/ global execution due to the complexity of certain scripts.

example - !4 name:The_Trooper
Forces a new name on a player. Please remember that if you want to include blank spaces in the player's new name, enclose the command and the command parameter in quotes "".

example - !4 message:hello!
Prints a message to the specified player/ players. Please remember that if you want to include blank spaces in the message, enclose the command and the command parameter in quotes "".

Allied skin:
example - !4 alliedskin:allied_101st_captain.tik
Either forces the default allied skin on a player (american_army) or forces a specified skin on a player

Axis skin:
example - !4 alliedskin:german_DDay_colonel.tik
Either forces the default axis skin on a player (german_wehrmacht_soldier) or forces a specified skin on a player

The following commands may be only used on active players (players that are not spectating)

Drop weapon:
example - !4 dropweap
Forces a player to drop the weapon they are currently holding

example - !4 holster
Forces a player to holster the weapon they are currently holding

Give weapon:
example - !4 giveweap:ger.mg
Gives a player a specified weapon- accepted weaponmodel names are: us.rifle, us.sniper, us.smg, us.mg, us.rocket, us.shotgun, ger.rifle, ger.sniper, ger.smg, ger.mg, ger.rocket, ger.mortar. May be left blank - a player will be assigned a smg, depending on what team they are on.

Force weapon:
example - !4 forceweap:sniper
Forces a player to use a specific weaponclass- this will affect a player when they next respawn. Either specify a weaponclass (rifle, sniper, smg, mg or heavy) or leave it blank and the player will be assigned the smg weapon class automatically. Will also print a message to the player telling him/ her what new weaponclass has been selected for them.

example - !4 "stuff:set rate 20000"
Stuff's text to a player's console- ideal for forcing transfer rates, skins etc. Please note that this command allways requires a parameter and on most occasions will need to be enclosed with quotes.

Type killer (SH+ only):
example - !4 typekiller
Designed to fight typekillers- will remove a kill from a players score, damage them by 15 and print a message from the player stating they were punished for typekilling

Anti camp:
example - !4 anticamp:600
Places an invisible anticamp zone within the map that the player may not enter without being punished- the position of the zone is determined by the players position when the command is initially called and the size of the zone is determined by the radius parameter (can be left blank and radius will default to 400). If a player is detected within this anticamp zone, they will be set on fire until they leave the area. The anti camp zone will remain for 30 seconds. A tip on distances- they are in relation to the MOH world, not in metres etc. a rough guide for you: for a small anticamp zone use 200, medium - 400, large - 500+

example - !4 antinade
This command was developed to counter player who cant/ wont use grenades as they are supposed to- ie. not constant, cooked, underarm throws. This command will force a player to use a modified grenade model that has no underarm throw and can only be cooked for 2.7 seconds with the overarm throw.

No Antinade:
example - !4 noantinade
This will disable the antinade command for the specified player.

example - !4 artillery:300
Papa's got a brand new bag- artillery. This command will send 9 artillery shells randomly arround the player's origin- the radiusofimpact parameter will decide how far from the targeted player the artillery shells will hit (may be left blank, will default to 400). Shells will kill/damage the players own team. Anyone caught in the blast area will be given a few seconds warning before the artillery strikes to prepare them and allow them to seek cover (shells cannot penertate buildings etc)

Special team commands:
The following commands are specific to the allied or axis teams and may be executed using the !allies or !axis command headers.

example - !allies artillery:300
Bombard utilises the artillery command but with a twist- it will try to calculate the biggest gathering of players (on the specified team) within the detectradius (this can be specified through the command parameter or left at the default of 450). The artillery stike will be centered arround the player that has been determined to have the largest collection of players arround him/ her. Read the artillery command above for more info.

Spawn protect:
example - !axis spawnprotect:15
This command helps a team defend thier spawn site by making them invincible (either for the ammount of time in seconds specified by the command parameter or the default value of 10). Only players who have recently spawned (last 20 seconds) will be turned invincible, however if a player should die and respawn and the spawnprotect is still in effect, they will repsawn invincible for the remainder of the time. Players are surrounded in a yellow (ish) glow and all players are notified of the team's invinvibility.

Special global commands:
The following commands are applied globally, using the !all command header.

example - !all "message:cheating is not tollerated"
This will print a global message instead of forcing each player to print the same message to themselves.

Swap Teams:
example - !all swapteams
Will swap players on the allied/ axis teams arround- usefull for clan matches etc.
