Huddraw_3d Utility

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 Huddraw_3d Utility

Mod PK3


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Iinstall / info

I've made this scripting utility for people who want to show a point relative to an origin/entity on-screen. This is also useful on making objective points.
It only works with the reborn patch.

How to install (you might know it already) :
put huddraw_3d.pk3 in your mohaa installation/main.

Here is the documentation on how it works :

* global/huddraw_3d.scr::worldtoscreen : convert a vector (origin) to a screen rectangle

* a player must be specified when calling it (like local.player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::worldtoscreen)

* parameters :
* local.origin : the vector to convert to a screen rectangle

* result :
* return an array : [0] is the screenX, [1] is the screenY and [2] specify whether if the origin can be shown or not from the player's view

* example :
* local.rect = $player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::worldtoscreen ( 0 0 0 )
* local.sizeX = local.rect[0]
* local.sizeY = local.rect[1]
* local.shown = local.rect[2]

* global/huddraw_3d.scr::add3dpoint : show a 3D icon in-game for a player

* a player must be specified when calling it (like local.player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::add3dpoint)

* parameters :
* : identifier of the huddraw element
* local.origin : point origin. If local.entity is specified local.origin will be the vector offset for the point from the specified entity
* local.string : like the (not working) print3d, it show a string in this location (but is forced to ignore the distance)
* local.font [OPTIONAL] : Font to use if local.string is specified. This parameter will be ignored if local.string is not specified. The default font is "facfont-20".
* local.shader : shader to show at the origin
* local.ignoredistance : if set to 1, the shader will not be auto-sized from the player relative to the point's and local.sizeX and local.sizeY must be specified
* local.sizeX : width size of the shader (default 32)
* local.sizeY : height size of the shader (default 32)
* local.refreshdelay : a number that specify how much to wait before refreshing. Setting "frame" will refresh each server frame. (default "frame")
* local.entity [OPTIONAL] : entity to follow. If this parameter is specified, local.origin will be the vector offset for the point from the specified entity

* remarks :
* local.string and local.shader mustn't be specified both
* local.sizeX and local.sizeY can be specified only if local.ignoredistance isn't set to 0

* example:
* $player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::add3dpoint 200 ( 0 0 0 ) NIL "textures/hud/allies.tga" 1 32 32 "frame"
* $player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::add3dpoint 180 ( 0 0 0 ) "ENTITY#1" NIL 0 NIL NIL "frame" $entity_1

* change3dpoint_X : change a 3D point property for a player
* available functions :
* change3dpoint_followent -> params : ( Integer ID, Entity entity )
* change3dpoint_font -> params : ( Integer ID, String font )
* change3dpoint_ignoredistance -> params : ( Integer ID, Boolean ignore_distance )
* change3dpoint_origin -> params : ( Integer ID, Vector origin )
* change3dpoint_refreshdelay -> params : ( Integer ID, Integer refreshdelay )
* change3dpoint_shader -> params : ( Integer ID, String shader )
* change3dpoint_size -> params : ( Integer ID, Integer sizeX, Integer sizeY )
* change3dpoint_string -> params : ( Integer ID, String string )
* See add3dpoint documentation for more informations on what these functions can do
* returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise

* change3dpoint_followent

* see add3dpoint documentation for more

* parameters :
* : identifier of the huddraw element
* local.entity : entity to follow. If local.entity is NULL/NIL, then it will make the point stop following the entity

* example :
* $player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::change3dpoint_followent 180 $entity_2
* $player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::change3dpoint_followent 180 NIL

* remove3dpoint : remove a 3D point from a player

* parameters :
* : 3D point id to remove from the player
