Hexanoia XL

Add Another Map

Map name -


Game -


Map file(downloads)

Map RCON command -


Map feature modes


Map screen shot



Map type

Death Match

Map Status

Fully working no errors


Map Info external

Info on .MAP

Extra Files

Map Creator



.Map Included for edit


Extra Credits

The added file "hexanoia_without_sound.pk3" is the same map, only the sounds have been removed, since these can be kind of annoying. It should only be needed to replace this map serverside for the sound to disappear.Sound has been removed by Shadow.



Map Description / install info

The .MAP file is included within the pk3 file! A bigger arena map when compared to the other version. This is the same map but Extra Large. Where the ground is made off several blocks. These blocks however move up and down on a regular base, making it some sort of a maze arena. One second you're shooting at a person, the other second a big block is in the way. Especially having a bash-only (tags) is fun in this map.

Place pk3 into mohaa/main, remove to uninstall. If you don't wish to hear the sound of the blocks, place the hexanoia_without_sound.pk3 into the mohaa/main of the server, and remove the old version. (Remove to uninstall)

Map video