Destructible Door - Test

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Destructible Door - Test


Map type

Single Player

Map Status

Fully working no errors


Map Info external

Extra Files

Map Creator



.Map Included for edit


Extra Credits


Map Description / install info

The .MAP File is included within the pk3!

By: 1337Smithy

Here, I made a simple tutorial map that gives you two examples:

- one door that can only be blown up with a grenade
- one door that can be blown up with either a grenade or a gun (effects will be different depending on which you choose)

It may be useful for anyone else to check this out also. I use some tricks like crate debris that can give a nice effect of door pieces getting shot. It can be improved upon and the level of detail can be increased to your liking.

Put the pk3 file (located inside the zip below) in mohaa/main folder, load up the game, and then type "map test_killdoor" in the console to try it out. The map file is included in the pk3 too. Look at how it's done in the map and in the script.

Map video