Create a MOHAA Event

Hi Here you can Create MOHAA events - A MOHAA Event can be anything from a Friendly Match between two clans, A clans custom feature night on a server where you are running custom maps or any form of MOHAA related event.
It can also be used for major community events such as MOHAA-ATHON or for the launch of your clans server or just to organise a get together on a server.

If you Want to arrange a League Match on AAAA Deathserver League then you should goto and follow the instuctions their.

This menu option is on the main home page on the left under "Create Content"

Create an AAAA Event

Please Remember to post all the info about your event as in Server IP and Port - any custom mods maps required and give link path to download them - Also if you run MOHAAC or other anticheat any requirements they will need