Blade's Mod Maps Pack

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Blade's Mod Maps Pack

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=== Blade's Mod Maps ====

This is the Blade Mod Maps package, which contains multiple server-side mods.
It includes the following mods:

Mefy's Voodoo Dolls Mod V1.0 (=stalingrad only), adapted by Blade for all TDM Maps
An Axis and an Allied Doll are spawned in each tdm map (looks like a normal player, but stands straight and doesn't move ;o) ). Objective is to find and to destroy the Enemy Doll before your own doll is destroyed.
You can destroy the Dolls by activating the Bombs that are tied to their chests. The team that destroys the enemy doll first wins the round. If time runs out, the team with the highest amount of kills will win the round. Every Round (or each rcon restart) these doll's will be placed at a random location.
NOTE: Gametype must be set to ROUND BASED MODE (= g_gametype 3)

Difference with original Mod:
- Added new doll models
- Ported the mod for all tdm maps and not just stalingrad (stalingrad has not been changed)

Mefy's Freeze Mod V1.0 (=stalingrad only), adapted by Blade for all TDM Maps
Objective of this mod is to freeze the enemy team. If you shoot(=kill) another player he will be unable to move (as in freeze ;o) ) untill he is freed by a teammember or untill the round is over. You can free a teammate by standing next to him/her (you can see a counter).
When you are frozen you are able to spectate every teammember.
The team that freezes the enemy team wins the round.
NOTE: Gametype must be set to ROUND BASED MODE (= g_gametype 3)

Difference with original Mod:
- Entered correct Mapnames for Stalingrad (medal of honor map guides)
- Ported the mod for all tdm maps WITH ORIGINAL MAPNAMES (new bspchecker) for all maps
- No Free Spectating possible (you were able to open doors and shoot stuff in the original V1.0)

Mefy's Capture The Flag Mod V1.0 (=stalingrad only), adapted by Blade for all TDM Maps
Objective of this mod is to capture the enemy flag (set of team avators) and place it on your own base. You win when both flags are at one base for a number of seconds. You can carry both flags at the same time. The Flag Base is a doll (see VooDoo mod) which is spawned on a random location every round.
You pick up the flag by touching it, but remember that you can't remove your team-flag from your own base.
When you are shot you will drop the flag and it will stay on that location
NOTE: Gametype must be set to ROUND BASED MODE (= g_gametype 3)

Difference with original Mod:
- Entered correct Mapnames for Stalingrad (medal of honor map guides)
- Ported the mod for all tdm maps (objective maps are still the original and will not be updated)
- The Use button doesn't drop the flag anymore (you need that one to open doors ;o) ) There are two ways You can drop the flag, the first is of course to place it at your team-base, the second one: get shot or commit suicide.

Blade's Power Mod
This mod spawns triggers in the stock maps which are surrounded with beams of different colors. Meaning each color represents a different trigger with its corresponding action. By touching this trigger (you'll see a message when you touch it), you activate a "Power" Mod.
Different "Powers":
- Shrink: This will reduce your size while your point of view stays the same
- Giant: This will increase your size while your point of view stays the same
- Gravity: This will change your personal gravity settings (you will be able to jump higher and float in the air)
- Teleport: When you touch this beam you will be teleported to another place on the map
- Enlightment: This will light you up like a christmass tree, you will have a circle of light around yourself
- Health: This will restore your health to 100
- Super: This will give you all the weapons that are present in Medal Of Honor Allied Assault, you will receive 3 pistols (axis, allies and silenced), 2 snipers, 2 rifles, ...
- Normalize: When you tough this trigger everything will go back to normal, except for the Super Power (you can keep the weapons)

Notes: - Some Powers like the Shrink and Giant will stay till you touch the normalize beam, even when you get killed and respawn. Others like the Gravity one, you will lose when you die.
- The Health and Super Power are not quite as accesable as the other ones. Sometimes you will need the Gravity to be able to reach the Super Power. These Powers are also less visible than the other ones.
- With the Gravity Power it's relatively easy to get under the map, keep that in mind if you have Landsharking/Under Map security active. It is possible to turn the Gravity Power Off if you don't want that to happen.
- All Powers can be singularly activated/deactivated (see Activation below)
- By Default all triggers are active, including a message which makes you say something when you have touched a trigger. This message can be activated/deactivated in the same way the triggers are (see Activation below)
- The Teleport trigger can be hazardous to your health if you go in with multiple people at the same time or when you stand exactly at the teleport destination.

Blade's Midget Mod
This mod will turn all players into midgets while the point of view stays the same. It gives a whole other perspective to the maps. Note that you can reach all places that you could when you were normal sized, nothing more, nothing less.

Blade's Giant Mod
This mod will turn all players into giants while the point of view stays the same. Note that you can reach all places that you could when you were normal sized, nothing more, nothing less. This mod may cause the appearance that players are able to walking though solid objects. (which they of course can't)

Blade's Gravity Mod
This mod will change the gravity for all players. Everybody will be able to jump high and float. Note that with this mod active, it's relatively easy to get under the map, keep that in mind if you have Landsharking/Under Map security active.

Blade's Enlightment Mod
This mod will create a circle of light around all players. When in Free For All mode, they will all be blue, in any other mode, the Allies will be green, the Axis will be red.
Note: This is not a cheat in any way, you cannot see people through walls, think of it als a Laser Game with those crazy light-giving suits on ;o)

Blade's All Weapons Mod
This mod will give every player all possible Allied Assault weapons


Mefy's Original Mods
Mefy's Original Mods for tdm and objective maps are included in the package, they can be controlled by the menu.
These include
- Demolition & Freeze-Tag Demolition
- Freeze Tag & Freeze Tag objective
- Capture the Flag
- Freeze-Tag Capture the Flag

Cheech's Server Side Bot Maps
Cheech's server side bot maps for all objective stock maps are included in the package and can be activated by the menu.
WARNING: Please only activate these after a server boot, the number of cvars in Allied Assault is limited to 1024. When exceeding this
number of cvars, the engine will crash. This problem can occur when you run switch on the bot maps after running
another mod first. Therefore it is advised to only start the bot maps after a server boot.
This probably wont occur when using a remote server since it doesn't use as many cvars as when you host a game yourself.
But just to be on the save side, only run the bot maps after a server quit.
This mod requires jv_bot scripts which are included in the installer or downloadable at,
and may not be backwards compatible with new scripts released by jv_map. If the clients connecting to the server don't have
this pk3 in their main, they won't see the bots (invisible). So plz add it to your game message.
The Bot maps require a lot of cpu time, plz check with your server host before installing and running these bot maps to avoid
This mod probably requires a map reload and may not be activated by restarting the map.

Sticky Bomb Mod
Made by Elgan (mods-r-us)
Adapted by Blade:
Throwing distance:
when throwing a sticky bomb while running it sticks to the throwing player. By adding a variable named blade_sticky_distance
everyone (with rcon) can change the throwing distance. Usage "rcon set blade_sticky_distance x"
Set x to 3 to throw a bomb when running, the higher the number, the further the bomb will be thrown.
Note: This is a multiplayer value: 3 = 3 times normal distance, 100 = 100 times normal distance
Changing Mod settings by rcon and not hard coded
The number of bombs now can be set by server admins via rcon without changing the code
Usage: "rcon set stickybombs y" with y the number of bombs every player gets
Usage: "rcon set sticky_stopwatch z" with z = 0 or 1, 1 showing the stopwatch, 0 not showing the stopwatch
IMPORTANT: This mod is not activated by restarting the map, it requires a map reload !!

FTP this file to your Clan/Public Server and restart (rcon quit) the server to initialise.
You can also host these mods on your server @ home: just place them in your mohaa\main directory

The Mods do not start automatically, they have to be activated via rcon
(or some lines in your startup.cfg file)

The Mod works with cvars, if you don't know what cvars are then you can download the latest version of the BladeMenu ( (Version 1.2 or Higher). The mods can be activated/deactivated int the "Advanced Rcon Commands" Menu. You can of course also download the BladeMenu if you do know what cvars are, but like the menu or like pressing buttons :oP
How To Activate them with the menu:
0. Enter the rcon password (either from the remote server or press the Use At Home Button)
1. Change gametype if necessary (RMB for MOD 1-3) (FFA, TDM or RBM for MOD 3-8)
2. Select the Mod you want to play
3. Press the Activate Mod Button

Note: If you want to use the rcon and advanced rcon menu on your own server @ home, first press the "Use At Home" button in the "Advanced Rcon Commands" Menu, this enters a fake rconpassword (exact command is "rconpassword fakerconpassword") and makes it possible that all rcon commands can be used when you are hosting your own server. Do not press this button when you are on a remote server because you will not be able to use the menu since the password is probably different then "fakerconpassword".

If you do know what a cvar is, or just know how to set one, or don't want to use the BladeMenu, you can activate the mod's via Console:

rcon set BladeModMaps 0 To Disable All Mods (if you want to play normal FFA, TDM or RBM)
rcon set BladeModMaps 1 for the Voodoo Mod
rcon set BladeModMaps 2 for the Freeze Mod
rcon set BladeModMaps 3 for the Capture The Flag Mod
rcon set BladeModMaps 4 for Blade's Power Mod (for all stock maps tdm and objective)
EXTRA SETTINGS: rcon set BladePowerModMessage (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Messages)
rcon set BladePowerModShrink (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Shrink trigger)
rcon set BladePowerModGiant (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Giant trigger)
rcon set BladePowerModGravity (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Gravity trigger)
rcon set BladePowerModNormalize (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Normalize trigger)
rcon set BladePowerModTeleport (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Teleport trigger)
rcon set BladePowerModLight (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Light trigger)
rcon set BladePowerModAllWeapons (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Super trigger)
rcon set BladePowerModHealth (set to 1/0 to activate/deactivate the Health trigger)
rcon set BladeModMaps 5 for Blade's Shrink Mod (for all maps, (t)dm, objective and even custom maps)
rcon set BladeModMaps 6 for Blade's Giant Mod (for all maps, (t)dm, objective and even custom maps)
rcon set BladeModMaps 7 for Blade's Gravity Mod (for all maps, (t)dm, objective and even custom maps)
rcon set BladeModMaps 8 for Blade's Enlightment Mod (for all maps, (t)dm, objective and even custom maps)
rcon set BladeModMaps 9 for Mefy's Voodoo Dolls (Stalingrad Only)
rcon set BladeModMaps 10 for Mefy's Freeze Tag
rcon set g_ft_observe (set to 1/0 to enable/disable the Free Float Specation in ffa/tdm/rbm matches)
rcon set g_ftobj_observe (set to 1/0 to enable/disable the Free Float Specation in objective matches)
rcon set g_ft_meltgun (set to 1/0 to enable/disable the Melt-Laser-Gun)
rcon set g_ft_allowjoin (set to 1/0 to enable/disable joining during match in ffa/tdm/rbm matches)
rcon set g_ftobj_allowjoin (set to 1/0 to enable/disable joining during match in objective matches)
rcon set BladeModMaps 11 for Mefy's Capture The Flag
rcon set BladeModMaps 14 for Mefy's Freeze Tag Objective
rcon set BladeModMaps 15 for Cheech's Bot Maps (All Stock Objective maps)
rcon set BladeModMaps 16 for Elgan's sticky bomb mod
rcon set BladeModMaps 17 for Mefy's Freeze-Tag Capture the Flag
rcon set BladeModMaps 18 for Mefy's Freeze-Tag Demolition
rcon set BladeModMaps 99 for Blade's All Weapons Mod

After entering the BladeModMaps variable, type "rcon restart" to activate the mod.

The Mod 1-3, 9-14 and 17-18 Automatically change gametype
The Mods 4-8, 16 and 99 should work for all gametypes (FFA, TDM, RBM) but are only tested in FFA & TDM
The Mod 15 only works for objective maps

The Blade Power Mod (the mod with the colored beams and powerups) is available for all stock Maps. Every trigger (=Beam) can be turned on/off by the Server Admin via cvars or via the BladeMenu combined with a rcon restart.

The Blade Global Power Mod's (Midgetland, Giantland, ...) can be played on every map (even custom maps, (t)dm as well as objective.
Note that this only works on custom maps if the Moh_AdminMod.cfg is executed by your startup or server.cfg file or via the "rcon exec MohAdminMod.cfg" command (BladeSecurity). The Freeze and Freeze Objective also work for custom maps if the BladeSecurity files are installed and executed.

You can disable the Anti-Cheat and Mapfixes if you want to (via the Menu or via rcon commands, see the included Blade's_Readme.txt for details on the menu and security)

When you use mapfixes or Mods that use the stock scr files and want to use the BladeModMaps,
please rename the zzBladeModMaps.pk3 file so that it alphabetically comes behind the corresponding Mod.
Remember that only one of them is loaded by Mohaa.

NEW in Blade's Mod Maps:
- Demolition and Freeze-Tag Demolition Mods Added for all maps
- Update of Menu
- Blade Stargate added in Bladesecurity
- Voodoo dolls has been renamed to demolition
- Freeze-Tag Demolition added
- Mefy's Mod upgrade to V1.2

- Voodoo Dolls for Stalingrad fixed
- Respawning in custom maps fixed
- Double Domination Mod CPU power usage decreased to avoid lag
- Fix for Objective Map Mods (Freeze Tag related)

No new Mods in V2.2 (w.r.t. V2.1), the menu on the other hand contains some detailed settings for the Mefy Mods.
The actual cvars are not mentioned in the menu, in stead, a detailed (or simple) description is given.
For details on the cvars and what they exactly do, plz check out this readme

Credits go out to Mefy, who created the Voodoo/Freeze/CTF Mods. I (Blade) did NOT create these mods,
I only ported them to work on all TDM maps and created a new bsp checker for the location-names.
I left the original comment by Mefy in this mod as requested :oP

Credits to Cheech and Jeroen (jv_map) for the Bot maps, these are also available in a separate download (see links)

The other mods were already in the game, I just wrote the interface to bring them out...
Thanks to all members of -=URC=- for trying out these mods with me on our Mod-Nights

Domination and Double Domination Server side mods (with optional custom sounds) were created by me so no credits there :oP

Also thanks to the guys who reported bugs (I can only solve bugs I am aware of ;o) )

------ Link to the original mods (and maybe updates) Cheech's Bot maps and a Medal Of Honor SP campaign (check it out!!) Link to my menu which can be used to activate these mods and many other things. Because I don't like cheaters -=URC=- Clan Website Because I'm working on a map now :oP


-=URC=-Blade 23/11/2004

More info:

Blade's Mohaa Pack V2.4
Version 2.5
Date 23/11/2004

This Mohaa Pack Contains:
- Blade's Menu
- Rcon Menu (Standard and Advanced) (requires rconpassword and address)
- Bot Menu (for controlling Jeroen Vrijkorte's Bot maps (NICE WORK M8! ;o) )
A Special Version of this bot script is available for URC Clanmembers
- War Commands (Usefull commands for during a war, requires MAM & BladeSecurity.pk3 files)
- Voting Menu (You Want It, you vote it)
- Message Menu (for people who's taunts don't work and/or want to use my n00b scripts)
(This is a workaround for the problem that Players with azerty keyboards have wrt the voice menu)
- Client Commands (Connect to server, disconnect, video_restart, viewmodel ...)
- Standard menu's: - Skin -and team select in one
- Special Weapon Select Menu (with or without animation)
- Video Settings (all -in one)
NEW! Demo Recording menu
- Audio Settings including a Mp3 - Player
- Set Controls Menu (Special menu where you can set all old and new controls)
- Recording menu: a menu to record demo's when you start mohaa with MOHAA_DemoMaker.exe (Standard -> Video -> Demo)
- Demolition/Freeze-Tag/Capture The Flag detailed cvar settings menu

All menu's contain a small description of the included commands/buttons/settings,
you can use this menu to control your own server @ home, but this requires a rcon address and
password in your local server.cfg file.
Note: This menu does not replace the original menu's, they are all still available.

With the Standard Menu's --> Set Controls Menu you can bind any key you want to the
menu (and all other menu's/commands) so it automatically pop's up when pressing this key.
It's advised to bind a couple of screenshots to a key so you can use them in full action (for example during a war)
It's also advised to bind the menu's you use most to a key so you can open them immediatly.

First Time Usage
Check out the included document: First_Time_Usage.doc for a detailed guide on how to use the menu the first time and to
see some screenshots of the menu itself. You can also just type exec BladeMenu.cfg in the console and the PageDown key wil
open the menu.
Then it's advised to bind a key to the menu using the Set Controls Menu (unless you want to keep Page Down of course)
This only has to be done once and from then on you can permanently open the menu with the referred key (untill you change it).

When playing wars you may want to temporarily move all pk3 - files with exception of the stock files to a backup dir.
All binds to menu-independent commands will still work (you can still take ss with one key, still use the taunts with your
bound keys,...). When the match is finished you can copy your pk3 files back to your mohaa\main and everything will work as before.
For more info on approved mods and skins that are considered as a cheat, check out the cheat police's site.
==> This can now be done using the separate BladeTool executable.
Make your mohaa DMW clean by deactivating the Bladepack using one simple executable.
When you want to use the bladepack again, simply press the executable again to (re)Activate the Bladepack.
(the Bladetool executable is located on your desktop and in your "EA Games\Medal of Honor Allied Assault" start menu folder )

- Blade's Security Mod
All Security Settings Can be turned on/off via the menu
All configs can be changed in BladeSecurity.cfg
Map - fixes: Prevent people from getting under the map (only standard maps are protected)
MG - fixes : Prevent people from using the MG-switch Trick
Blade's Welcome Message (Create your own welcome message when a map is loaded)
Blade's Owner Advertisement (Create your own advertisement message)
Blade's Screenshot Security. Take Action, Model , Scores, Path, MiniPath, I-Bot, and
Security screenshots off all/single/targeted players with only one button with the possibility
to bind the commands to a button so you can use them in full battle.
Set your own screenshot forced message. (message displayed when forcing a screenshot)
Eye4Eye Mod integrated (Original by MPowell1944)
Blade's Mixed Map Mod (use all types of maps in your maprotation and gametype will change automatically)
(This doesn't change any of the original (custom) map scripts and works for all maps, even future ones)
Blade's SecurityStuff for detection and disabling of default aimbots

If you want to install the pack on a remote pc (for example a clan server),then FTP the following
files to your server:
- zzBlade_MoHAdmin.pk3 (MAM or Moh AdminMod Tool and Buzz Goodies all in one file)
- zzBlade_Security.pk3 (the actual Blade Security file)
- Moh_adminmod.cfg (the original moh_adminmod file for MAM configuration)
- BladeSecurity.cfg (the configuration file for Blade's Security)
- BuzzGoodies.cfg (the configuration file for Buzz Goodies)
- zzBladeModMaps.pk3 (server side mods for Allied Assault, see the readme for all details)
- zMod_-_JV_Bot01_Clients.pk3 (the server side bots file)
- zMod_-_JV_Bot01_Update_Cheech_Server.pk3 (the server side farplane update for bots by cheech, bot upgrade)

Add the following line to your server.cfg file
exec moh_adminmod.cfg
(That is the file which contains your server's settings, like default map rotation, friendly fire, password's ...)

Known Bugs
- When taking the screenshots on a single target (or sometimes multiple targets) it's possible one of
the commands is missed (by lag or who knows what) and the scores (or something else) stay on the screen.
To avoid this, press the "More Info" button which wil perform an extra action to hide this IF it even occurs

- The Bot scripts use a lot of cvars. The number of cvars in Allied Assault is limited to 1024. When exceeding this
number of cvars, the engine will crash. This problem can occur when you run switch on the bot maps after running
another mod first. Therefore it is advised to only start the bot maps after a server boot.
This probably wont occur when using a remote server since it doesn't use as many cvars as when you host a game yourself.
But just to be on the save side, only run the bot maps after a server quit.
This mod requires jv_bot scripts which are included in the installer or downloadable at,
and may not be backwards compatible with new scripts released by jv_map. If the clients connecting to the server don't have
this pk3 in their main, they won't see the bots (invisible). So plz add it to your game message.
The Bot maps require a lot of cpu time, plz check with your server host before installing and running these bot maps to avoid

- The Counter intelligence compact installer only works when a previous version of CI was installed. If you don't have a previous version
it's possible that you have to install Visual Basic runtime components ( to get CI to work
The custom files are no longer in the installation so you need to add these when you never installed CI.

- When changing from one gametype to another by restarting, it's possible that the Hud of the previous mod is not removed,
please do a reload of the map to clear the hud and get a correct one.

MAM Update
New in MAM
Extreme Bleeding Mode = Addition on the existing Bleeding mode when health is very low
No Camping Mode = If you don't want camping on your server, you can use the no camping mode
Soft Spawning = Players that have just spawned are given extra health to protect them
Note that this won't protect players against direct hits from nades and rockets
Spawning Tracking = Tells the players how long they have been alive after a new spawn

Eye4Eye Mode
Health Box Size
Name Fix Option

V2.4 -> V2.5
- Demolition and Freeze-Tag Demolition now works for all maps
- Small Menu update

V2.3 -> V2.4
- Implementation of Mefy's Mods Version V1.2 with Freeze-Tag Demolition Mod (Voodoo Dolls has been renamed to Demolition)
- The installer will automatically check for older versions and act accordingly
- Counter Intelligence upgrade to Version
- Updated Moh_AdminMod to version (CI compatible) which contains almost all Buzzgoodies stuff
- Buzzgoodies that were missing in the new MAM are ported so they still work (eye 4 eye, namefix and healthbox mod)
- Update of menu with new Demolition Mod parameters and new MAM cvars

V2.2 -> V2.3:
- Fixed issue with new voodoo/ft/ctf detail menu's (yellowish screen) when having installed the animated weapons menu
- Fixed voodoo dolls mod
- Fixed Respawning issues
- Double Domination adaption, lag problem should be completely solved
- Fixed Objective Freeze Tag issues

V2.1 -> V2.2:
- New submenu with important cvars to control the voodoo dolls/freeze tag/capture the flag detail settings (Plant time, defuse time, ...)
- MOHAA_DemoMaker.exe added to the MoHAA directory, use this exe if you want to record demo's (these only play in game)
- New submenu when mohaa was started with MOHAA_DemoMaker.exe to create demo's
- A separate executable to make your Medal Of Honor installation clean, it moves all Bladepack files so you are DMW clean or Vice versa,
when you are clean and want to use the Bladepack again, use the executable to place back all files.
- Counter Intelligence reduced installer no longer overwrites txt files with banned ip's, skins, ...
- Updated Moh_AdminMod to version (CI compatible)
- New Client and Server pk3's added for cheech's bot maps
- Buzz Goodies added: Last Man Standing, Remove/Add Weapons, Blood Mode, Health Size changing, see the Buzzgoodies.cfg for all details
- Menu to control Buzz Goodies added to the Rcon Advanced Menu (please do not use the Stamina Mode or Flagging Health mode, not yet released)
- Update of Mefy's mods to latest version
- Addition of Sticky Bombs mod (+ update: variables now changable by rcon, added distance multiplayer variable)
- Menu update for new mods
- Domination and Double Domination adaption (use less CPU power)
- Addition of Freeze-Tag Capture the Flag mod

V2.0 -> V2.1:
- Clean up of BladeSecurity.pk3, delator no longer supported and lot less threads executed
- Blade's Power Mod Update: All weapons trigger in Algiers shifted
- Menu Updated (rcon advanced commands) with new options
- Cheech's bot addition for stock objective maps added to the package (check out known bugs plz!!)

- Updated Bot Menu with development commands (showroutes and paths)
- Updated Mod selection menu, everything can now be activated by selecting the mod (1 click) and restarting the map
- New Server Side Mod Domination based on the UT-series (all stock maps, tdm and objective)
- New Server Side Mod Double Domination based on the UT-series (all stock maps, tdm and objective)
- Updated Moh_AdminMod to version (CI compatible)
- Reduced Mohaa CI installer version added
- New Server side Mod which gives all weapons to every player
- Freeze tag and Freeze Tag objective for custom maps updated

V1.3 -> v1.4:
- Updated BladeModMaps with Latest Mefy Mods (version Alpha 9)
Check for updates, when a new zzBladeModMaps.pk3 is available,
it can be copied over the original one without having to download the full BladePack
- Updated Menu with buttons to control the original Mefy Mods (g_ft_allowjoin and g_ftobj_allowjoin)
- BladeSecurity can now handle Mixed Maps (you can now use a mixed gametype map-routation and gametype will change automatically)
- New cvar added so stock Objective maps can be played with or without respawn according to admin settings (set BladeEnableRespawn 1)
- Updated Moh_AdminMod to version (CI compatible)
- Freeze mod can now be enabled for all Custom DM and OBJ maps (Beta version, See Mod-Readme for details)
- Added stuffsecurity to disable/detect default aimbots (seta Bladecheckforcheats "1")
- Updated menu so that most mods can be activated with 1 click

V1.2 -> v1.3:
- Updated BladeModMaps with Latest Mefy Mods (version Alpha Cool
- Updated Menu with buttons to control the original Mefy Mods (Meltgun, Free Spectate, ...)
- Blade's Power Mods (Global midget, giant, gravity and enlightment mods work for all maps ( (t)dm &, obj = stock maps as well as custom maps)
NOTE: These only work if the Moh_AdminMod.cfg is executed by your server.cfg file or rcon
- Blade's Power Mod Also Working in Objective Maps (The Beam-trigger Mods)
- Axis and Allies have different colors for triggered enlightment mod in tdm and obj, they have the same color for ffa
- Added Mapfixes for Algiers, The Canal and Snowy Mountain

V1.1 -> v1.2:
- Added BladeModMaps Control Commands in the Rcon Advanced Menu
- Added Button to use Menu At Home (when hosting a server)
- Updated Moh_AdminMod to version (CI compatible)

V1.0 -> V1.1:
- Added 2 mapfixes, one in Snowy Park to prevent people from getting under the map and one in Stalingrad to prevent people getting on the roof.
- Also removed the MG-switch cheat check in Stalingrad since it prevented people from
crouching in the Locker room and isn't really necessary for DM and TDM matches
- Updated all screenshot functions, they now add a number on the screen and in the filename
- Spread all in game messages a little more (a little less spam)


-=URC=- Clan Website:
Bot Maps & Info:

MAM (Moh_AdminMod)
Hammer and Buzz Litebeer
The Cheat Police: (you need to register to obtain access)
Mefy's Mods (Voodoo/Freeze Tag/Capture The Flag)
Cheech's Bot Addition Maps for stock objective maps
