Berlino's Sniper Fury

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Map type

Death Match

Map Status

Fully working no errors


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Map Creator

HaVaNa7 & Uacty


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Map Description / install info

Review by: jv_map

Berlino's Sniper Fury

Berlino is a rather large map of a bombed out city that continuously suffers from Allied air strikes. When the Allied colonne of tanks is destroyed near the bridge, infantry moves in to capture the city. However, the fortified and partially destroyed buildings provide excellent concealment opportunities for Axis snipers. There's no other option for the Allies than to try to take out these snipers with their own snipers. The attack of Berlino turns out to be a lengthy battle where snipers play the most important roles.

Presentation / Technical

I have to say that the brushwork in this map isn't very neat. Actually, I was amazed that this map looks convincing on some spots. About half of the brushes don't even fit their neighbours so each building has a number of unmeant holes. Apart from the fact that it looks weird on most places, this would also kill vis design. I say would, because the fact a pointfile is included in the pk3 suggests this map wasn't even vised.

The dense fog seems to be the only thing preventing the player from seeing through the entire map. This method works very well actually, and has accomplished that my mtex counter didn't pass the 23 mega-texels on a 1024 x 768 resolution at max detail. Although it's pretty high for the level of detail provided, this number is acceptable and can be compared with most of the original maps. The random explosions all throughout the map and the planes flying-by have a bad impact on the framerate though. Therefore this map aims for higher spec systems and it's definately unplayable on mine.

Texturing isn't done very well either. Although in most parts it looks ok, there are numerous texture errors. However, the variety of textures on the roads is nice to see, and that makes for a decent score nonetheless. Finally, the lighting isn't really special but suffices, except for some very dark spots. In general the lighting fits the theme well and supplies a good war atmosphere.

Playability / Game Flaws

I'm sorry I couldn't find a server playing this map. So the following isn't really a gametest but merely based on assumption and experience when moving around the map. First, this map is very hard to navigate. You won't get lost, but most buildings are hard to enter and a couple of doorways are too low to walk through without crouching. Apart from that, I found one room which you can enter by jumping down a floor but I couldn't get out anymore. Finally, all the explosions and fire everywhere don't seem to hurt the player, which is caused by a script error that I won't describe in detail now. There are several hilarious scenes in this map that qualify for the title 'Game Flaws'. First, a destroyed church tower looks really silly. It's laying on the ground but still intact and completely empty inside. Furthermore, I found a torpedo stuck in a wall, a crashed plane that's not damaged at all, a U-Boot in the river, a balcony that the inhabitans can only reach by breaking a window and a brick wall constructed at the road over the bridge.


Berlino's Sniper Fury is a playable map that will probably provide hours of entertainment for snipers. On the technical aspect the author still has a lot to learn, but his will to create maps and talent to create something that looks like a war scene is clearly indicated by this production. If you can find a server playing this map, it might be a good idea to download it for a change.

Map video