to all clan cl

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to all clan cl

Globle CL - Admin Meeting
Saturday the 24 of October 9pm UK - 3pm US - 22 CET
Wanna keep MoH Alive then show up THIS GONNA BE A SERIOUS MEETING

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Re: to all clan cl

Hi.  It would be interesting to know what topics would be discussed regarding the Mohaa meeting,  in order for the participants to collect their thoughts before the meeting.

Re: to all clan cl

Quick point of this meeting would be

  1. Dos attacks
  2. How keep MoH Alive and appetite the game 
  3. Communication between Clans like [ GSC - Teamspeak - Tiny Chat - STEAM - Skype ]
  4. Working Anti cheat scanner/programs [ C.I - UAC - MOHAAC ect ] "UPDATED"
  5. Fight between Clans
And more points are welcome yes