Abbreviations List

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This list contains explanations of abbreviations that are used in MoH:AA (in-game as well as outside of the game).


NCO = Non-commissioned officer
CL = Clan Leader
GoA = General of Army
SA = Server Admin
RO = Recruitment Officer
WA = War Arranger
TRL = Trial
Gen = General
SGT = Sergeant
Lt = Lieutenant
Col = Colonel
Maj = Major
Pvt = Private
MIA = Missing in Action
KIA = Killed in Action
POW = Prisoner of War
WIP = Work In Progress
AWOL = Absent Without Official Leave
PMSL = Pissing myself laughing
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
LOL = Laughing out loud
ROFL = Roling over the floor laughing
ROFLMAO = Roling over the floor laughing my ass off
WTF = What the fuck
OMG = Oh my god
BS = Bullshit / Backstab
NS = Nice Shot
N1 = Nice One
NN = Nice Nade (Grenade)
GG = Good Game
GL = Good Luck
HF = Have Fun
TY = Thank You
IDK = I Don't Know
YW = You're Welcome
WB = Welcome Back
MDR = Mort de rire (French for 'Dying of laughter')
Merde = French for shit
A7A = Arabic word used to express frustration or anger (shit/fuck/wtf)
Kurwa/Kurva = Whore/Bitch/Slut or Fuck/Shit/Damn (in Polish, Czech, Croatian, Bosnian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovak, Russian)
FFS = For fuck's sake
TBH = To be honest
FO = Fuck Off
FU = Fuck You
GTFO = Get the fuck out
DWH = Die when hit
WH = WallHack
STWH = Shoot Through WallHack
SU = Shut Up
STFU = Shut the fuck up
W/E = Whatever
INB4 = In before -> Stating something that will happen later on
FFA = Free for all
DM = Death Match
OBJ = Objective
RB = Round-Based
CTF = Capture the flag
FT = Freeze-Tag
a.k.a = Also known as
Alias = Another name (some people are known under different names and thus have different aliases)
NVM = Nevermind
SUP = What's up
WUU2 = What you up 2? / What are you up to?
NM = Nothing Much
PvP = Player versus Player
IMO = In my opinion
IMHO = In my honest opinion
BRB = Be Right Back
AFK = Away from keyboard
TK = Team Kill(er)
FF = Friendly Fire
WTH = What the Hell
WTK = Whole team kill (synonym for 'Ace')
ESP = Extrasensory perception (cheat)
BBL = Be Back Later
TTYL = Talk to you later
GTG = Got to go
GVD = Godverdomme (Dutch for 'God Damn It')
BB = ByeBye
m8 = mate
w8 = wait
asap = As Soon As Possible
afaik = as far as I know
OP = Overpowered
1337 = Leet / Elite
1337sp34k = Talking like an idiot
SH = (1) Sniper House, (2) Spearhead
BT = Breakthrough
AA = Allied Assault
AW = All Weapons
SO = Sniper Only
Cham (skin) = Chameleon skin (a.k.a. glowing skins, a.k.a. wallhack)
Aimbot = Auto-aiming and shooting at players every in the game (cheat/hack)
No-recoil = No recoil when firing weapon (aim stays the same) (cheat/hacK)
HUD = Head-Up Display (e.g. compass, health bar, weapon bar)